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ADZU helps graduating students and job seeking alumni find the perfect employment

AdZU Helps Graduating Students and Job-Seeking Alumi Find the Right Employment

University President Fr. Karel S. San Juan SJ opened the AdZU 2015 Job Fair with this advice to job seekers: Remember the 3Ms last February 4, 2015 at the Multi Purpose Covered Courts, Fr Eusebio Salvador SJ Campus.

Father President San Juan SJ said the 3Ms are Matching job position with skills and competence, remembering that work is a Mission to serve others, and doing Magis or More in every step of the way.

The two-day job fair is an annual event organized by the AdZU College Guidance and Counseling Office (CGCO).

After the opening program, the hiring companies started conducting job interviews which lasted until 4:30 in the afternoon.

There were 52 hiring agencies participated in the Job Fair. These were made up of 29 private companies, 9 banks, 6 government agencies, six schools, and 2 hospitals.

There were 83 students and 68 alumni registered in the job fair.

The keynote speaker of the opening program was Dennis Franco M. Layug, President and CEO of East West Professional Review Center, East West Educational Specialist Co., Inc., and East west Psychology Review Center. He talked the ASEAN 2015 framework and its implications on applying for jobs.

During the job fair, organizers raffled off door prizes for being early registrants and awarded gifts to students adjudged as best in business attire.