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Ateneo Academic Organizations Facilitate Kids Fun Day

Moving on from the September crisis, kids from East Central School filled the air with laughter and energy at the Ateneo Salvador Campus during the three-day Kids Fun Day.

All the academic organizations in the Ateneo de Zamboanga University; Accountancy; Management; Education; Liberal Arts; Science and Information Technology; and Nursing took turns in entertaining hundreds of these kids from grades one to six.

A variety of programs was prepared by the academic organizations. There were a selection of games along with the energizing and lively hosts of each program, magic show, and distribution of loot bags. Each of the AOs also prepared food for the kids.

During an interview, Liberal Arts Governor Honroso Jose Go shared his experience in being part of it. Go expressed that the preparation for this was stressful but fulfilling. All the stress was forgotten when they were able to execute their plans and saw the kids enjoying, especially during the magic show.

“The Kids Fun Day was a great time for the children to enjoy and celebrate life since they were considered as the youngest victims of the recent siege. I was very happy to see smiles in the faces of the kids amidst the tragedy that they experienced. I was able to experience and feel the happiness in rendering help to the kids. Being a kid will be the most valuable time of our lives, so let us invest more to the children,” added Cris Barredo, one of the facilitators.

Through the Kids Fun Day the Ateneo also tries to light hope in the hearts of the Zamboanguenos especially the kids as it also celebrates a time of healing and peace during the Ateneo Peace Ta. The university was ever helpful and is still involved in the rehabilitation and debriefing of the victims of the crisis.