A. Guidelines for all students enrolled in General Psychology (Psych 101/102)
- Your teachers will not be meeting with you on a regular basis until the end of the semester.
- Please coordinate with your class beadle about any special requirements set by your respective teachers, especially for those students who failed during the midterms. As a standing policy, students whose grades did not reach a passing mark in their midterm will be given extra requirements to help them reach a passing mark.
- Students whose midterm grades were already considered passing will remain as is. However, should the student wish to get a higher mark, he/she can also ask the teacher for a special/extra requirement.
- All requirements will be due on October 11, 2013 not later than 3:00 pm. Due to the circumstances we’ve recently faced, it is recommended that your requirements will be submitted online. The email adds of your respective teachers will be made available to you. Email ads of faculty handling General Psych courses:
B. Guidelines for all students enrolled in Psych 301 (Experimental Psychology) with Mr. Sabdilon
The following are initial questions. Based on these, accomplish the tasks assigned:
- Will students who eat breakfast perform better on a math test and vocabulary test than students who have not eaten a morning meal?
- Does the content of the breakfast have an impact on score in the tests? For example, does eating Tapsilog and coffee/milk have the same beneficial effects as eating a bowl of oatmeal with milk/chocolate or having 1 serving of mixed fruits and 1 glass of fruit juice?
- Does eating breakfast provided by the school produce different results than eating a breakfast prepared at home?
a. Formulate workable (measurable) research questions.
b. Provide a hypothesis for each question.
c. Identify the different variables (kind, sub categories, level, etc.) involved: independent, dependent and reasonable extraneous variables per setting.
d. Identify the full experimental design to be used in the study. Justify your design choice (clue: number of independent variables, sub categories of variables, direction of proposed relationship/effect, etc.).
e. How will you control each of the identified extraneous variables?
f. How will the participants be chosen and grouped?
g. Formulate a step by step set of procedures on how to carry out your experiment. Be sure not to forget provisions on Confidentiality, Permission from participants and Ethics.
h. Propose a statistical measure for use in the data to be gathered.
This requirement is to be accomplished by group (as previously arranged). I strongly encourage you to keep in touch with each other online. You don’t have to meet physically (considering the still unstable security in the city) to do this. Send your answers online to not later than October 11, 2013.
C. Guidelines for all students enrolled in Psych 301 (Experimental Psychology) with Ms. Lao
- Submit your experimental research report only Chapters 1 and 2. Follow the format you have been given earlier in class.
- Submit a reflection paper on your personal experiences on the experiments we conducted in class (Reaction time to light, sound, taste, and mental set behavior). Write only one reflection paper for all the experiments. It should be a synthesis of all of your experiences about the experiments conducted in class. Be guided by the following format.
- 3-5 pages
- Should be written/encoded in a bond paper
- Arial, 12 font size
- Double space
- DEADLINE OF SUBMISSION: October 11, 2013 via email until 8:00 pm to
- Rubrics for grading your paper will be made available to you by your teacher via online.
D. Guidelines for all students enrolled in Psych 404 (Practicum Course) with Ms. Castillo
- Students will NOT be required to report in their respective practicum sites anymore.
- There Is NO need to submit the Scrapbook and Student Evaluation Forms.
- The practicum coordinator will personally visit and contact the intern supervisors and collect all of your evaluation forms.
- If the student has not yet been able to complete the 150 hours requirement a special arrangement will be made between the course coordinator and your practicum site supervisor to help in the completion. Students need not worry about this.
- Certificate of completion from your respective internship site will be provided accordingly. Once all the certificates are made available, interns will be advised as to where and when it will be collected.
E. Guidelines for all students enrolled in Guidance 103 with Ms. Castillo
- Students enrolled in the Guid 103 course are advised that no changes in the grades will be made. Thus, it will be noted that the FINAL GRADE will be the same with their midterm grades.
- However, for those students who failed in the midterm, they will be given additional requirements to help them work on a passing mark. These said students will be advised as to the additional requirements.
- Students are advised to contact teacher to coordinate for the special requirements.
F. Guidelines for all students enrolled in Psych 311 A (Seminar in Psychology) with Fr. Bustamante
Students are advised to read thoroughly the following requirements and consider this as their
- Write every topic or subject matter in a USB: 1GB or more (NO fake, unreadable, or virus laden USB is allowed.
- Format:
A. SYNTHESIS-1: ON THE 6 PSYCHOLOGIES: [at least 3 pages for each topic; plus ONE E-R-A-E for all 6.]
IP-CERAE #: ___
1. Freudian Psychology: Its Contribution to Understanding the Environment
2. Social Psychology
3. Behavioral Psychology
4. Physiological and Health Psychology
5. Cognitive Psychology
6. Holistic Approaches: Gestalt and Ecopsychology
B. SYNTHESIS-2: ON THE 6 PRINCIPLES FOR HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT: [at least 3 pages for each topic: plus ONE E-R-A-E for all 6.]: You may use what you have submitted previously on hard copies:
IP CERAE #: ___
1. Principle #1: Visualize Healthy Ecosystems
2. Principle #2: Work with Small Steps and Big Ideas
3. Principle #3: Think Circle instead of a Line
4. Principle #4: Consider Ways in which Less is More
5. Principle #5: Practice Conscious Consumption
6. Principle #6: ACT on Personal and Political Levels
C. SYNTHESIS-3: USE CERAE Format (Usual):
IP-CERAE #: ___
(1) References: make use of the photocopy distributed by Margaux:
(2) Define the topic
(3) Describe the topic
D. BONUS POINTS: your PHOTOS PROJECT: properly edited and captioned and described accordingly
3. DEADLINE of SUBMISSION: 10 OCTOBER 2013: on or before 4pm: to MS LANNIE NARVASA, the secretary of the COLLEGE COUNSELING CENTER:
>>> Must be in a sealed White Envelope with the enclosed one page Table of Content with an introductory description of each content. Only your USB. No other.
>>> IF submitting personally: must be noted by Ms Lannie Narvasa or whoever is the receiver: sign the logbook for counter-checking
>>> IF submitting by LBC or any other courier: must sign the logbook; must also be noted by Ms Lannie or whoever is the receiver: [we have cases of undeciphered signatures without a name]
PLEASE TELL or PASS this NOTE to your companions. GOOD LUCK. GOD BLESS!
G. Guidelines for all students enrolled in Psych 303 (Abnormal Psychology) under Fr. Bustamante
Students are advised to read thoroughly the following requirements and consider this as your
FINAL EXAMS. Make sure to work on them as this is considered a board course.
(1) Write every topic of subject matter in a USB or Flash Drive (NO fake, unreadable or virus-laden USB is allowed)
(2) Same writing format as in usual hard copy that you used to do: 12 Verdana; no of sentences in a paragraph, etc.
>>>B. DEFINITION of the Disorder
>>>C. DESCRIPTION of the Disorder by explaining it
>>>D. SIGNS and SYMPTOMS of the Disorder (at least 10)
>>>F. E.R.A.E.
(3) These are the TOPICS: follow the order:
1. ANTISOCIAL Personality Disorder
2. BORDERLINE Personality Disorder
3. HISTRIONIC Personality Disorder
4. NARCISSISTIC Personality Disorder
5. AVOIDANT Personality Disorder
6. DEPENDENT Personality Disorder
7. OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE Personality Disorder
8. PARANOID Personality Disorder
9. SCHIZOID Personality Disorder
10. SCHIZOTYPAL Personality Disorder
11. COGNITIVE Disorders: Delirium; Dementia; Amnesia
[ADHD; Oppositional-Defiant Disorder; Conduct Disorder]
(4) DEADLINE of SUBMISSION: 11 October 2013: on before 4pm: SUBMIT to Ms. LANNIE NARVASA, secretary of College Counseling Center:
>>>USB must be placed in a sealed white envelope: only your own USB; no other kibitzers; it must have a page of the Table of Contents: give a brief introductory description of each content.
>>> if submitting personally: sign the logbook; noted by Ms Lannie Narvasa
>>> if sending through LBC or other couriers; must be noted clearly by the receiver/s with his/her name and signatiure (we have cases of signatures that cannot be deciphered)
PLEASE TELL or PASS this note to your companions. GOOD LUCK! GOD BLESS!
H. Guidelines for all students enrolled in HRD 104 (Leadership in Organizations) with Mr. Sabdilon
In groups (as originally assigned in class), you are to interview at least 1 person (who you consider a leader like Brgy. Chair, City official (elected or head of a government agency), military or police officer, school director/principal (of a school turned evacuation center), any prominent member or officer of any business or socio-civic organization (Rotary Lions, Fraternities, Religious orgs, etc) about their Zamboanga –September 2013 experience. Make sure that the interviewee understands the purpose of the interview and the plan for the stories to be indexed and possibly published and if they wish so, their identities can be withheld. The following will be the items for submission:
- Raw audio file of interview (2 file copies in 1CD)
- Short biographical information about the interviewee
- Short Essay of interviewer/s on the interview data
- Biographical information about the interviewer/s
- Photographic evidence of interviewer, of interviewee, of the two together, or other photos relevant to story (last one is optional but strongly encouraged).
WHY DO THIS? Anyone who has tried to research on Zamboanga history knows how hard it is to find good documents. With this oral history project, we will be able to help preserve the voices of a wide range of people who were part of the Zamboanga Crisis of 2013 experience. Moreover, this will be an opportunity to recognize and understand various leadership strategies and concepts.
The material can be compiled into a publishable form later – a website , a journal, a manuscript. At the very least, this will be sorted, indexed, and archived for future reference.
DETAILS. There are no limits to the number of questions that can be asked. However, there should be themes to be observed. Among the questions that can be asked are the following:
- How did you come to know about the supposed attack on the city? What were you doing when the news reached you?
- What were your thoughts and feelings immediately after knowing of the supposed attack?
- Were there changes in your thoughts and feelings as the crisis went on? What were these changes? What caused them?
- What did you end up doing (when the news broke out)?
- What did you do as a response to the mounting call for assistance to the evacuees, freed hostages, other residents? What motivated you to do what you did?
- Now that rehabilitation efforts are underway, what do you plan to do? What project/s do you have in mind?
- What can you say about the way our city and national officials handled the crisis?
The essay about the interview data by the interviewer/s must be an analysis and reflection on the functions and responsibilities of leaders, characteristic thoughts and behaviors of leaders and leadership style practiced/adhered to by the person.
The biographical information about the interviewee must include the following: personal information such as complete name, age, gender, marital status, occupation, and group affiliated with. It should also include a brief description of the interviewee’s role in the organization he/she is affiliated with. The biographical information of interviewer/s on the other hand must include name, age, course and year. It should also include short justification on the choice of interviewee.
The photographs must be labeled/captioned. Captions must be pasted securely on the back of each photo. If photos are to be displayed as in a mini album, the caption/s must be included beneath each photo.
The students are expected to observe strict security and safety measures during the conduct of the interview and submission of the requirement. All interviewers must explain to the interviewees the purpose of the interview (preserving oral stores and understanding leadership dynamics). It is strongly advised that parents or older (responsible) relatives be with you during these times. During preparation of the transcripts and reports, you do not have to meet personally. You can coordinate with each other online.
Requirements will be accepted ONLY ON October 11, 2013 (Friday) at the ADZU main gate from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. All documents must be sealed inside a transparent plastic envelope. There should be a piece of paper listing all the documents/items inside the envelope. The names of the group members must be pasted outside the plastic envelope. The plastic envelopes must be dropped off at the SLA FACULTY WORKROOM.
I. Guidelines for all students enrolled in Psych 308 (Cognitive and Learning Psychology) with Ms. Sabdilon
- As stated early on in the course requirements,. There will be no more Final exams for this course.
- The midterm grades will serve as the final grades. However for those who got failing marks on the midterms, they will be given additional requirements.
- Students whose grades did not qualify for a passing mark please be advised to contact your beadle or teacher for the extra requirement. You may contact me at for the details of your requirement.
J. Guidelines for all students enrolled in Requirements in Psych 311 B (Counseling Theories and Technique) with Ms. Lao
- Write your own philosophy of counseling, or develop a fairly comprehensive outline of your key ideas on your counseling philosophy. Use the following questions to guide your work:
*NOTE: You need NOT answer the following questions one by one, but instead you are expected to write an “organized whole” from the questions below.
1. What is your view of human nature? How is your point of view significant in terms of your philosophy of counseling? What factors account for changes in behavior?
2. What is your definition of counseling? How would you explain to a prospective client what counseling is about at the first meeting?
3. What are some examples of goals of counseling that you view as appropriate? Can you list any goals that you consider inappropriate?
4. What are some of the most important functions of a counselor? How would you define your own role as helper?
5. What do you think are the essential characteristics of an effective relationships between the client and the therapist? How important is this relationship as a factor for change?
6. What makes for a therapist’s excellence? What distinguishes a mediocre therapist from an outstanding one?
7. What is one value you hold that you see as influencing your work as a counselor? How might this particular value influence you as a helping person?
8. How do cultural variables influence the counseling process? To what extent are you clear about the values of your culture? How they might influence your work as a counselor?
9. What life experiences of yours will help you work effectively with a wide range of clients? What struggles or crises have you effectively faced in your life, and how did you deal with them? What experiences have you had with people whose cultural values are different from your own.
10. What can you do for the victims of the recent Zamboanga siege that has happened in our city? What are you doing in your own life now that will enable you to extend a helping hand to those victims?
11. Can you think of some limitations in your own life experience that might hinder your ability to understand and relate to certain clients? How might you overcome some of your personal limitations so you could counsel a wider range of clients more effectively?
Your paper must adhere to the following standards:
- 3-5 pages
- Should be written/encoded in a short typewriting paper
- Arial, 12 font size
- Double space
Rubrics for grading your paper will be made available to you by your teacher via online.
- For those who got a FAILING MARK in their midterm grade, this is an additional requirement for you:
*Answer each of the following questions comprehensively. Your answer will be rated according to the following:
- Grammar (includes subject verb agreement, punctuations, etc.)….. 2 point
- Quality of content (correct ideas & explanations presented)………… 4 points
- Overall effect (with clear communication and support) ……………….. 4 points
5 points
1. If you were asked in a job interview to state your theoretical orientation in counseling, what would you say? (10 points)
2. Taking the key concepts of all the 11 approaches that you have studied, how could you classify these concepts under the three separate headings of thinking, feeling, and behaving? (10 points)
3. Again, assume that you were asked in a job interview to state your view of the goals of psychotherapy. In what ways could you categorize the various therapeutic orientations in terms of goals under one of the three areas of focus: thinking, feeling, and doing? (10 points)
4. Assume that you are still in the interview situation. You are told that in this agency the clients come from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. Explain which approaches might be most helpful to you in effectively working with a multicultural population. (10 points)
Your paper must adhere to the following standards:
- 3-10 pages
- Should be written/encoded in a short typewriting paper
- Arial, 12 font size
- Double space
*DEADLINE OF SUBMISSION via email: October 11, 2013; until 8 o’clock in the evening.
Please pm me if you have any questions. THANK YOU. GOD BLESS ZAMBOANGA CITY. GOD BLESS US ALL.
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