November 24, 2012
TO: ADZU Community
FROM: University Library Director
We are happy to announce to the community that we have a 90-day trial period to EBSCOhost online databases. EBSCO is one of the databases we are about to subscribe to aspart of the Jesuit Higher Education Libraries Consortium (JHELC).
JHELC is a major initiative of ADMU’s Rizal Library whose main objective is to have a common database for all Ateneo universities. The Ateneo libraries involved in the consortium are Rizal Library (ADMU), Ateneo de Naga University, Ateneo de Davao University, Ateneo de Zamboanga University, and Xavier University.
JHELC has chosen EBSCO over other online companies because it is the world’s leading information agent in providing consultative services and cutting-edge technology for managing and accessing quality content, including print and e-journals, e-packages, research databases, e-books, and more. EBSCOhost databases and discovery technologies are the most-used premium online information resources for tens of thousands of institutions worldwide, representing millions of end-users.
EBSCO does not limit your access only to Ateneo campus. You may also use it at home during the trial period. So grab the opportunity and explore the premium online database!
To Login to the free trial:
Go to:
User ID: s7405674trial
Password: trial
The following databases are available as part of this trial:
Academic Search Complete
Business Source Complete
Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic : HOST
CINAHL with Full Text
Communication & Mass Media Complete
Computer Source: Consumer Edition : HOST
Computers & Applied Sciences Complete
Education Research Complete
Humanities International Complete
Literary Reference Center
Religion and Philosophy Collection : HOST
SocINDEX with Full Text
MAS FullTEXT Ultra School Edition
Primary Search : HOST
Military and Government Collection
In order to provide the most intuitive search experience, EBSCO offers a variety of interfaces at no charge over the cost of the databases.
EBSCOhost Research Databases
Kids Search
Student Research Center
Searchasaurus Web Interface
Literary Reference Center
If you have any questions or need additional information,you may address your concern to our contact person below:
Phone: +632 8422787
Fax: +63 9178550491
Tech Support # (800)758-5995, Training and Tutorials:
Thank you.