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Projects and Improvement of Units or Offices

June 25, 2012

TO        : ALL UNITS

FROM      : Br. Raymund Belleza, SJ
Asst to the President for Administration

RE: Improvements OR Projects of Units/Offices

This is to remind all units and offices of our procedure of implementing improvements or projects in their respective unit or office:

1)Physical Plant Office will monitor all improvements and projects in the University

2)Although budgets are approved, units or offices has to coordinate with PPO to implement the improvement or projects.

3)Any external contractors that the units or offices wishes to contract has to go to the following process:

a) PPO will review the proposal and makes its own recommendations.

b) If project is beyond P 30,000.00 it goes through the bidding committee which means other contractors has to be entertain to get the best price of the project

c) Release of payment to contractors has to go through PPO so they can check the project progress or completion

d) All projects more than P 100,000 must have a written contract.

e) All projects done by external contractors should have approval of the President.

4) PPO will issue a completion and acceptance report of the project sign by the unit or office concern.

5) When preparing budgets for improvements or projects PPO has to check the proposal for estimates before submission to finance office.