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Home » Migrated » Western Mindanao BIDAhan II, a leap of faith, a grace-filled convergence…

Western Mindanao BIDAhan II, a leap of faith, a grace-filled convergence…

Western Mindanao BIDAhan II, A Leap of Faith, A Grace-Filled Convergence

The youth of today will inherit the choices we make for them in the here and now. But young as they may be, they too are critical components to ascertain that their elders make the right choices for them.

In support of CEAP’s BIDA: Be the Change culture change program for the youth and in oneness of affirming the role of the youth in transforming society, particularly our Philippine society, a second Western Mindanao BIDA Youth Camp was held last January 28 – 30, 2011 at the Ateneo de Zamboanga University, Fr. William H. Kreutz, SJ Campus in Tumaga, Zamboanga City.

The event saw the convergence of 149 student – participants coming from 25 schools in the region. This coming together totaled to 223 people participating. The said event was an inspiring amazing manifestation of the amazing Hands which moves beyond and above human intentions.

For this second wave of WesMin BIDAhan, the following majorgeographic clusters were represented: Zamboanga Sibugay, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga del Norte, Basilan, Sulu and Zamboanga City.

We may come from varied point of origin,
but we share the same joy and love for our country

To transform our society may be an herculean task,
but if are united, our coming together in prayers becomes very strength

The CEAP BIDA core team was led by Rene San Andres together with him were Michelle Avelino, Boom Enriquez, Bro. Ernald Andal, SJ, and Mika Millar.  Fr. Albert Alejo, SJ graced the event by being the resource person for the session on Truth and Accountability and Ms. Regie Junio became the resource person for the session on Stewardship of the environment.

Let’s dialogue to begin to understand each other…

Let’s group dynamics to be dynamic…

with Paring Bert…
We can choose to make this country great again,
we begin by being honest and respect the value of words

With BIDA team leader, RSA

A good inclusion in this year’s WesMin BIDAhan II was a parallel session for the teacher – chaperons which was facilitated by Bro. Ernald. This session became a good beginning for the teacher – chaperons to jell each other, as well as, set a gradual towards defining the path for the BIDA program in Western Mindanao.

Bro. Ernald with teacher – chaperons

An essential factor in the realization of WesMin BIDAhan II is the support from Fr. Tony Moreno, SJ who initiated the inquiry for the conduct of this second wave of WesMin BIDA.

Fr. Tony welcoming the WesMin BIDAhan II participants…

BIDA as a Youth Program is appropriate given the signs of our times. The convergence of the youth and the quality of their sharing coupled with their expressed desires to choose the path of helping make this country great once again is inspiring, and along with this is the responsibility of the leaders in the Academe to sustain this energy.  There had been expressed desires from the teacher – chaperons to consider establishing a progressive mechanism, so that the fruits of this Youth Camp will continue to bear much fruit and the philosophy of BIDA be spread to the respective locations of schools.

This WesMin BIDAhan II was also made possible through the continued generosity of Pilar College, Claret School of Zamboanga, Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School – Tetuan, Ateneo de Zamboanga University, ZAMBASULTAPS and CEAP.

As an end note, the WesMin BIDAhan Youth program, through the support of our leaders in the academe in this region and with the inspiring energies from our students, will continue to grow, and in His grace, the youth of western Mindanao will choose the path of righteousness so that when their time comes to lead this country, they will be leaders who are on the side of what is good and ethical.

Mabuhay ang BIDA: Be the Change culture change program!

If only for this….there is hope for our mother country….