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ADZU technical and janitorial personnel attend “Basic Fire Prevention and Suppression” seminar

ADZU Physical Plant Office (PPO) personnel underwent a seminar that taught them basic fire prevention, fire safety and response.

The seminar “Basic Fire Prevention and Suppression” was held on May 22, 2015 at the Jose Maria Rosauro Hall, Ateneo de Zamboanga University, Fr Eusebio Salvador, SJ Campus. It was attended by technical and janitorial personnel of the university.

SFO3 Ronaldo C Pioquinto, Chief of Pre-Fire Planning Training & Communication Relations Section of the Zamboanga City Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) was the resource speaker.

A highlight of the seminar was a demonstration on actual fire management using fire extinguishers.

Mario S Rodriguez, PPO Director, said the goal of the activity was to arm PPO personnel with up-to-date knowledge on fire prevention and response.