“I want to create a deeper appreciation of the study of population and its relation to how people can exploit Mother Nature, and hopefully create an awareness in the community so that the future generations will use our resources responsibly.” –Marvi Leu P Dalogdog
Marvi Leu Dalogdog, Grade 12-Christopher Clavius from STEM department, wowed the international audience as the lone student research presenter in the 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Higher Education.
His paper, entitled “Ecological Population Growth and Count Rate Logistiques,” debuted in the international research conference last September at the Palacio del Sur, Marcian Garden Hotel. It discussed the dynamics of population growth and its relation to the existing state of natural resources around us. His research findings, along with the other studies presented will hopefully be a springboard for further studies, publication, and policy formulation.
Dalogdog’s audience included educators and researchers from 30 prominent institutions in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand. Accompanying him to the conference was Assistant to the Senior High School Principal for Curriculum and Instruction Engr Belino Rosagaron Jr.
With its theme Pursuing Excellence in the 4th Industrial Revolution through Production, Innovation, Instruction, Extension and Research, the event converged studies geared towards Social Science, Science and Mathematics, and Engineering, Technology and Innovation. It was sponsored by Universidad de Zamboanga.