16-17 April 2010, Ateneo de Zamboanga University
Zamboanga City, Philippines
“Promoting Mathematics Research and Education in Zamboanga Peninsula”
The Mathematical Society of the Philippines (MSP) – Region 9 Chapter invites you to participate in its First Regional Convention which will be held on April 16-17, 2010 at the Ateneo de Zamboanga University, Zamboanga City.
Invited to grace the occasion, as well as to give a plenary talk is the Mathematical Society of the Philippines President, Dr. Fidel R. Nemenzo. With him is Dr. Reginaldo M. Marcelo, a faculty of the Ateneo de Manila University.
Researchers and educators from all over Zamboanga Peninsula, in all areas of pure and applied mathematics, mathematics education, statistics and other related areas are invited to submit short papers for oral presentation during the convention. Graduate, undergraduate, High School students in Mathematics and all Mathematics Enthusiasts are also welcome to join. This convention is fully endorsed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED – Region IX) and the Department of Education (DepEd – Region IX).
Dates and Venue: The conference will be held on Friday and Saturday, 16-17 April 2010, at the Carlos Dominguez Conference Hall, Ateneo de Zamboanga University, Zamboanga City.
Contributed Talks: Short (15-20 minutes) contributed paper presentations will take place in parallel sessions for Mathematics Education, Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics.
If you wish to give a contributed talk, please send your title and abstract to mspchapter.reg9@yahoo.comand/or to dante_partosa@yahoo.comon or before 31 March 2010. The program committee shall review requests for contributed talks. You will receive a notification of acceptance/non-acceptance on or before 05 April 2010.
Registration: All participants are requested to pre-register on or before 31 March 2010. Accomplished reply slips/registration forms should be sent to mspchapter.reg9@yahoo.comand/or dante_partosa@yahoo.comtogether with the proof of payment of the registration fee (i.e. photocopy or scanned image of bank deposit slip, postal money order slip, etc.).
Registration Fee: (Pre-registration) on or before 31 March 2010: P1700 (MSP members) / P2000 (non-MSP members). (Registration) After 31 March 2010 and Walk-ins: P2000 (MSP members) / P2300 (non-MSP members). Undergraduate and High School Student Registration: P1000. You will be considered pre-registered only upon confirmation of payment of your conference fee.
These fees will defray the cost of conference kit, other conference expenses, snacks and lunch for two (2) days.
Everyone is encouraged to register by 31 March 2010 since reservation for food and printing of the convention materials have to be done in advance. There is no assurance that those who register after this date will enjoy all the privileges of the participants who register early. This pre-registration deadline (31 March 2010) will be strictly enforced.
Payment: There are two modes of Payment (choose only one that is most comfortable)
- Payment by postal money order should be addressed to Dr. Paulino T. Acebes, Jr., Chairperson, Mathematics Department, College of Science and Information Technology, Ateneo de Zamboanga University, Zamboanga City.
- Alternatively, you can make a bank deposit to the following account:
Account Name: Paulino T. Acebes, Jr.
Account Number: 323-007-4259
Bank: Banco de Oro (BDO), Rizal Street Branch, Zamboanga City
Do not forget to submit a photocopy/e-copy of proof of payment along with your registration form to dante_partosa@yahoo.com and/or mspchapter.reg9@yahoo.com .
Submission of Abstracts: Those who wish to contribute papers are requested to send the title and abstract to Dante V. Partosa at email address or mailing address below. Abstracts (100-200 words) should be informative for proper evaluation by the program committee. Electronic submission (both LaTeX and pdf file) is preferred. (Deadline: 31 March)
For additional information, you can visit our website for updates:http://adzumath.multiply.com and http://adzuemc2.multiply.com or contact any of the following:
Dr. Paulino T. Acebes, Jr. Chairperson, ADZU Mathematics Department Secretariat Phone: (062) 991-0871 local 2243 Cellphone: 09195644030 | Ms. Ma. Luisa U. Sousa MSP – 9 Convention Phone: (062) 991-0871 local 2243 |
Dr. Rochelleo Mariano MSP – 9 Convention Chairperson Phone: (062) 991-0871 local 2245 Cellphone: 09066269260 | Mr. Dante V. Partosa MSP – 9 Convention Co – Chairperson Phone: (062) 991-0871 local 2245 or 2202 Cellphone: 09177111114 |
The following are the forms that you may need for the convention: