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2nd Mindanao Bishops – CEAP Conference and 3rd CEAP Mindanao Conference

Two big events will be hosted by AdZU and CEAP Region 9 in this month of August. The 2nd Mindanao Bishops – CEAP Conference on 18 – 19 August is jointly sponsored by the Archdiocese of Zamboanga and CEAP Region 9 (with AdZU as the lead convener). The two main speakers of this conference are: Bro Armin A Luistro FSC, DepEd Secretary, and Dr Ofelia dL Durante, former AdZU Research Center Director. The 3rd CEAP Mindanao Conference will be convened the following day, 20 August 2010. The CEAP Mindanao Regional Directors are the main resource persons in this gathering. Also expected to come is the CEAP President, Msgr Gerardo O Santos, President of Manila Archdiocesan Parish Schools Association (MAPSA). These two conferences will be held at the Carlos Dominguez Hall, Ateneo de Zamboanga University.