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OBE Seminar-Workshop June 3, 2015

The College of Nursing  (CON) Faculty had their 3-days seminar-workshop on Outcome Based Education (OBE) last June 3 to 5, 2015 at the college of nursing workroom. CON Dean Lorna B. Paber gave an overview of OBE, while Level IV Chairperson Lourdes Follero discussed the process of OBE and Level III RLE Coordinator Antonia Quilos demonstrated how to map concepts for OBE.

see more photos of OBE Seminar-Workshop here..

37th Cap, Badge and Candlelight Ceremony June 11, 2015  Astoria Regency

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, (BSN) level II students Salutaris Manibus composed of 98 students, had their 37th Cap, Badge and Candlelight Ceremony at Astoria Regency, Pasonanca last June 11, 2015. Mass celebrant and guest speaker was ADZU Vice President for Formation Fr Wilfredo M. Samson SJ.

see more photos of 37th Cap, Badge and Candlelight Ceremony here..

ICGC  June 15, 2015 Campion Lecture Hall

The CON faculty and staff had their 1st Ignatian Circle Group Conversation (ICGC) for SY 2015-16 the morning of June 15, 2015 at the Campion Lecture Hall. The ICGC speaker was Fr. ANTONIO B. DE CASTRO, S.J., S.T.L., E.H.D. , associate professor of Church History and Systematic Theology of the Loyola School of Theology (LST) of the Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU).  Among the topics he discussed were “The Heart of Ignatian Spirituality, the Vocation of Teaching and Call to Social Responsibility and Educational Principles of the Spiritual Exercises.” Faculty members from other departments joined said ICGC. Small group sharing followed by a plenary session was facilitated by CON  faculty member Lorelie Macrohon.

see more photos of ICGC here..

K-12 Updates June 15, 2015 CNU faculty workroom

In the afternoon of June 15, 2015 at the CON workroom, Rey Reyes, administrator for senior high unit gave an update on the K-12 educational system and explained how this will affect the tertiary level.

see more photos of K-12 Updates here..